You should be able to see windows loading correctly. If not, your BOOT.INI file is not renamed correctly. If you have done everything okay, you will be getting boot error. This way, you have created a backup file that can be used in case you want to revert back. When it does not find it, it will look for your hard drive. Next time you restart the computer, it will first look for a USB stick to boot. After you find it, set the USB device as the first boot device and Hard disk as secondary.After you get into the BIOS, Look for the menu item where you can change your Boot Device.Restart your computer and keep key pressed as soon as the computer starts.2] Copy System FilesĬopy BOOT.INI, NTDETECT, and NTLDR to your USB stick from your System Drive. Now you should be able to see the BOOT.INI file. Open C drive and go to Tools > Options > View. 1] Make Hidden Files visibleīoot.ini is a hidden file by default. Since it is not able to find the file in the system partition of hard disk, it will simply halt without the USB key. The Boot.ini files contain the path to the partition where Windows is installed.
So what this trick does? It will make the windows look for BOOT.INI in the USB drive. Without this file windows will throw you an error ” Invalid Boot.ini ” or “Windows could not start “ Then it looks for a system file called Boot.ini, which tells windows from where to start the boot.When windows boots, it checks for the primary boot device in bios, which is, by default, is your hard drive.Locking the Boot Process: Understanding what you are going to do Let’s figure out how you can lock Windows 10 using a USB drive. Second is a list of free applications that can do the same for you. First is instead a crude method only for those who can modify system files on the computer. If you are tired of people who use your computer, here is a small trick that will not allow your computer to boot without a USB Drive.